NaNo ‘12 Day 16, 17, 18

It’s been a very busy few days. I’ve struggled every evening, working until within minutes of midnight each evening, and not always making the daily word count. Today I’m golden. I’ve made the daily word count, and I’m on target through today for the month. I’ve managed to achieve my word count earlier today than any day this week, it actually happened before six pm!! I’m not giving up for the day though, I’m hoping to get a little ahead for the holiday.

NaNo ‘12 Day 15

Whooo hooo!! I’m all caught up! And another thing, today is the half way mark. Not only have I made twenty five thousand mark, but I have a great feeling about my story. I’m excited to get started again tomorrow.

NaNo ‘12, Day 14

I made over twenty two hundred words today. It didn’t quite get me caught up, but I’m within a couple hundred words, which won’t be hard to make up. The hard part now is going to be regaining a bit of a buffer to make up for taking at least Thanksgiving off. More good news… tomorrow is the halfway point.

NaNo, ‘12, Day 13

I’m a bad, bad, Wrimo. I didn’t write a single word on Sunday (day 11) or yesterday (day 12,) that meant that today, when I got the kidlets off to school and the Hubster off to work, I had not just today’s word count to do, but the last two as well. For those who have a hard time with math, that’s 5001 *gasp* words to be caught up. So far, I haven’t managed it, but I am doing well. I’ve got just over 3k. I’m not done for the day but I’m not holding my breath on a whole lot more. We’ll see how things go. I’m sure I can make up the shortage soon.

NaNo ‘12, Day 10

Today I made 2k, not only making the daily goal but catching me up as well, I’m a LITTLE bit ahead, not much. That’s okay, I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t like a challenge. I’m not finished for the evening but the day is almost over and soon it will count towards tomorrows word count. I’m happy. Now to work on tomorrow.

NaNo ‘12, Day 9

Today was better than yesterday, but still not great. I managed just over fourteen hundred words, it’s not the sixteen-sixty-seven that we’re supposed to get each day, and I still finished the day a little behind, but not too far and all it will take is a good day to get caught up again. I’m confident I can do that.

NaNo ‘12 Day 8

Is there such a thing as a stress hangover? It sure feels like it today. I’m exhausted and struggling to think and by the time I got the kids home at 5 my brain had just quit functioning. I did manage a little over 1k words today, I’m a couple hundred behind now. I’m not worried though, I’m sure I’ll catch back up soon. I’m calling it a night early in hopes I’ll do better tomorrow when I’m better rested.

NaNo ‘12, day 7

Yesterday was very busy, and at the end, very stressful, and I only managed about 300 words. This is why on days that things go well, I push to get more words than I really need, to make up for days like yesterday. Even  though I had a day with very little progress, I’m still not behind. I know I can do this, even if I have more hard days.

We are starting the second week, which, traditionally, is one of the most difficult. We tend to lose momentum, to get bogged down in life and get behind. I have to keep in mind that I need to push through it and keep going, once we get through week two it gets easier. I promise.

NaNo ‘12 Day 6

*sigh* it’s been a really long day. I was out and about for most of the day from 10:00am until after 8:30pm, but I still managed to make 1300 words. While it’s not the daily goal of 1667, I’m not complaining. I’m still a day ahead, and it was good progress. But I’m hoping for a better (and less crazily busy) day tomorrow.

NaNo ‘12, Day 5

2200 words today. It’s good progress. Not huge, but good. I’m running about a day a head, and making slow gains for more. This is good, as the story progresses and things get closer to the holidays my gains will slow. I’m pleased.