NaNoWriMo ‘14 Day 13

I’ve cleared 2500 words for today, and I broke the 25k mark yesterday. I’m doing well. I should be able to take off a few days when I’ve just got too much stuff going on to write, without problem.

How’s your NaNo going?

NaNo, ‘12, Day 13

I’m a bad, bad, Wrimo. I didn’t write a single word on Sunday (day 11) or yesterday (day 12,) that meant that today, when I got the kidlets off to school and the Hubster off to work, I had not just today’s word count to do, but the last two as well. For those who have a hard time with math, that’s 5001 *gasp* words to be caught up. So far, I haven’t managed it, but I am doing well. I’ve got just over 3k. I’m not done for the day but I’m not holding my breath on a whole lot more. We’ll see how things go. I’m sure I can make up the shortage soon.