
Last week I updated the formatting and links in all the Kitsune series books. I was just informed that LIVE had the right cover but I uploaded the interior for HUNT into it. It has been fixed now. Please give Amazon a few hours to catch up, then please re-download and you should have the correct book!

So Sorry!!

The Kitsune Collection

is now available.


The Kitsune Collection

Completed series, includes Change, Fight, Hunt and Live.

Nickie discovers that not only do shape shifters exist, she is one. Follow her story as she learns to deal with the changes in her life. Betrayal, new abilities, unexpected romance, and a kidnapping. Nickie’s life has changed, and now she has to adapt or face the consequences.

Only $7.99 US

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Now on All Romance eBooks.

All of my books are now available on ARe!  Go pick them up if you don’t already have them!


Change, Fight, Hunt, Live


Escape, Jade’s Peace, Risking Alex


Robin’s Nest, Choosing Happiness

It’s Less than Two Months!

Until the release of Live that is. (Remember, it’s December 9!) The final book in my Kitsune series. It’s been a long time coming and I know you’re all impatient for it to get here, me too!

If you’ve noChange600x900.jpgt yet read the series, start with Change.  It starts out with Nickie as she discovers that not only do shapeshifters exist but she is one. Then goes on to chronicle her learning to live with the new abilities that her new form brings her. At the same time, she’s learning that some of the people she’s known all her life have been keeping it a secret from her. It’s not an easy adjustment but she does it.


The second book in the series is Fight. In Fight Nickie learns about the mating instinct that comes with her new form and how it can change her life. She also has to deal with what she sees as the betrayal of a friend, and everything he does in order to try to win her over. It’s a fight the whole time for her freedom and choice.

The third book Hunt-resized-to-1600.jpgis Hunt. Nickie and her mate are hunting for the guy out to possess Nickie as his own. It’s not an easy battle and there are casualties along the way. But Nickie and her mate will do their best to get on with their lives, despite the constant threat hanging over her head.

Live200x300The fourth and final book is Live.  Nickie has to face the man who she’s blamed for a lot of the bad things that have happened to her, whether he was actually responsible for them or not. She has to learn how to forgive him so she can move on and live her life.


Day after tomorrow will mark four weeks since I got that heart-rending call. Nearly a month since I found out that my sister-in-law had left this world and it was up to me to notify my husband (her brother) and her father. In a lot of ways, I’ve been numb since then.

Strong emotion has always been difficult for me to express and this has been no exception. It didn’t help that my grandfather passed away in March and since I don’t live close to him, it’s been easier for me to pretend (at least in my heart) that it didn’t happen.

I’ll admit, when my grandmother passed away it took me more than six months to deal with it, and I was used to seeing her every day. Granted, I was thirteen at the time, but that’s kind of typical for me. I’ve dealt with my share of loss. This he was my fourth grandparent to go and I lost a step-sister when I was 18, but I don’t handle it like most people. I probably cry less than most men. In sixteen years of marriage my husband can probably count on one hand the number of times he’s seen me cry. I’m not kidding. I just don’t do it, or I don’t let anyone see it when it happens. I’m much more likely to vent my emotions by yelling, screaming or hitting something (not someone, something). It’s just me. I know it’s odd. I know it’s not normal, but it’s me.

What do I mean my heart-blind? I mean I’ve been in this locked down place where I couldn’t feel much emotion, good or bad. This made writing a romance very difficult, especially the one that I’m working on.

Without giving too much away, I can say it’s not an easy story. When I started it, I had in mind a quick, fun read, but Steve and Jade have slowly revealed to me that their stories aren’t either quick or fun. Now that I’m starting to feel emotions again rather than just surviving, they’ve started talking to me again. The story is already longer than I had intended for it to be, and I don’t see the end any time soon. They are telling me bits of what will happen in the immediate future and bits that will happen a little further off… I know how it will end, but the bits in between are what’s the most fun to find out. This current story is called Jade’s Peace (it’s a sequel to Escape) and you can find the first chapter at the end of Robin’s Nest. Eventually it will make it to the website, but that won’t be until I have a release date.


And for those of you asking me if there’s another book in the Kitsune series. Yyes, there is at least one more book in Nickie’s story. I’m not yet sure if there’s more than that, but there is at least one more book.

My first newspaper article!


Yep, that’s me!  The paper is the Eastern Arizona Courier, it’s the local paper where my Kitsune books are set. You can read the article here.

New Covers…. I’ve yet to put them on the book pages, but here they are.

Book pages everywhere should be updated soon, that means anywhere from 12 hrs to a couple of weeks, depending on each server.


The Next Big Thing

1. What is the working title of your next book?


2. Where did the idea come from for the book?

It’s the third in a series that I got the idea for from a dream.

3. What genre does your book fall under?

Paranormal Romance/Action

4. What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

Oh, that’s tough, I didn’t write it with anyone in mind, so I’ve found some that are kind of close. Nickie = Kiera Knightly, but she needs auburn hair  , Devon =  Josh Duhamel but he’d have to grow his hair out, Brandon = Matt Bomer.

5. What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Oh, that’s hard.  “Nickie tries to get on with her life, while Devon does his best to protect her from the old friend who thinks she should be his.”

6. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

Self published

7. How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

Actual writing time, about two months, though I had to set it aside and work on a few things in the middle so start to finish it took 5 months.

8. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

The whole series is similar to Rachel Vincent’s Shifters series.

9. Who or what inspired you to write this book?

This particular one? I still had more story to tell after the last one. There is still more to this tale and will be a fourth book as well, though I haven’t done anything more than take notes for it, yet.

10. What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest?

Let’s see, it takes place in Rural Arizona, that might not be a big draw for some, but it will be for others. Also, it’s shape-shifters, similar to werewolves, without being vicious or tied to the moon.


This has been fun, for more Next Big Thing, check out Meaka Kayl  and  Melissa Collins  they will post their Next Big Thing on May 9th.

Updates from the growing fires of the third circle of hell.

It’s getting to be that time of year here, when the weather’s hot and dry and stepping outside feels like you’re climbing into a convection oven. The heat shocks the breath out of you and the wind sucks all the moisture out of your skin. This means I spend a great deal of time inside hiding from said heat when I can, having three kids playing baseball this spring means I have practices and games I have to ferry them to and attend, despite the heat.

Since I’ve had the time, I got a lot of work done on HUNT and it is now available. I’ve also got another story ready to go, it will be released near the end of the summer, I’ll share more about it soon, and I’ve started working on a sequel to ESCAPE. If what I have in mind works out, it will be another series, this one a little different, as each story will center around a different couple. That should be done about the end of this year, or very early next year, depending on how it goes. I’ll let you know more when I can.


It’s a little earlier than planned (by a whole month!) but HUNT is available now!

Get it now in paperback, as well as on Kindle, and Nook, other platforms will be available soon.