Gearing up For NaNoWriMo

Yes, I know that NaNoWriMo is still two months away from starting, However, since I’m a co-municipal liaison, we start thinking about it, and working on it, way early. Why? So we can do things like will start in just two days in my region (Yuma, AZ) NaNo Prep Workshops. What are they? A series of workshops, open to the public and sponsored by our local library system (so, FREE) to help people get ready for, plan, plot, create characters and worlds, so they can be ready to start with their NaNo novel in November.

Why are the workshops so early? Yes there will be a whole entire month between the end of the workshops and when NaNo starts. The answer is simple. We wanted to give our participants time in October to put what they learn to use. It takes time to create worlds, get to know characters, decide where you want to go with your story, etc. I could say it takes time to plot and outline but I don’t do that. I start my stories with characters, a situation and a goal, and let my characters tell me what happens from there.

Are you getting excited about NaNoWriMo?