Longest Short Week EVER…

So, I didn’t get home from last weekend until Tuesday morning. I’m used to coming in on Sunday night but due to the previously mentioned death in the family, I spent Sunday night in Tucson so I could travel 3 hours in the opposite direction from home and attend the funeral. It wasn’t all that late when I got back to Tucson, not even 7pm, but I was emotionally exhausted so I stayed one more night and headed home the next morning.

The kids were on spring break, I had no reason I needed to be home before 1pm on Tuesday for writing group… It was fine… Well, that spring break thing is what kicked my butt.

I cruised along, everything fine… then on Thursday I realized it was Thursday, not Sunday or Monday (the old man was working but the kids were home and I had none of the usual routine to kick my butt in gear.) I hit a mild state of panic trying to get everything done, Easter shopping and making sure the family has food for the time I’ll be gone this weekend (just Friday evening and Saturday this week, no racing on Easter Sunday.)

So what made it feel so long? Partly the funeral. There was a LOT of time in the car, which is both good and bad, I tend to find myself thinking about characters and story, sometimes to the point that I realize all of a sudden I have no memory of the last 50 miles.

The funeral itself was draining. All of them are, but more so when the deceased in young. My cousin was only 22 when he was taken from us suddenly. This only leads to more.

Then there was that panic of trying to make sure everything that had to get done before my weekend was done so I can do what I need to do without worrying about the rest of the family.

Either way, it’s the weekend now and I’ve settled in. I’ll be hitting the racetrack in a couple hours. I love the track, there are so many characters to watch and draw from.

How was your week?

One Comment on “Longest Short Week EVER…”

  1. I don’t know how you manage to do all you do. Again I say, You are Superwoman.

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